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Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans.Booze and cruise don’t mix- a caution that is universal for alcohol consumers. Driving cars after alcohol consumption may be a hazardous combination but apparently we’ve stumbled upon an exception where boozing and driving are ay-okay! Don’t get your hopes too high though for the expression is more figurative than pragmatic. The consequence of boozing is not only stupor but also a lot of cans, colorful and attractive cans which are even more alluring when full
. Nonetheless, empty cans have been given a second lease of exhibition here as they are deftly crafted into crackerjack looking vehicle models. So now you can display the “aggregation of good times” with pals and family in the shape of handcrafted vehicle models.

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans

Showcase the good times as vehicles styled out of old beer cans


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